Friday, February 1, 2013

Wolf + Lace

I've been blogging for a about three and a half years now, so I thought it was time for a makeover. I was a little hesitant about going from one "and" name to another, especially because they are getting to be a little over-used, but the more I thought about the name "Wolf + Lace", the more I loved it. I like to combine tough and delicate looks in my outfits, so I think the name really describes my style: glam grunge, a girly tomboy, or just a big fat oxymoron.

Blogging has really helped me define my personal style. As I've explored the Internet, I've discovered new stores, brands, and blogs, and I've learned more about myself and what I like and don't like. I want to share what I've learned with DIY tutorials, styling tips, etc., so I am going to start writing more, not just posting pictures.

I was looking back through my blog, and it just seems like a scattered mess of posts. I've made up a schedule to help keep everything more organized. My blog is still going to be primarily fashion-related, but I want to expand to include some home decor, music, lifestyle, and maybe food as soon as I learn how to cook! Starting Monday, I will be posting five days a week, each day on a different topic:

On Mondays, I will do a personal post highlighting my style, either my outfits, home decor, artwork, etc. On Tuesdays, I'll post a how-to, which will be DIY tutorials, styling tips, shopping advice, and other ideas. Wednesdays will be all about weekly deals and saving money. A lot of the posts will probably be my new feature Steal the Runway. I'll also be posting giveaways and store sales on this day. On Thursdays, I will post what I'm inspired by that week, whether it's a lookbook, an editorial, celebrity style, a list of favorite things, a song, or a quote. On Fridays, I will feature my favorite blogger outfits of the week. I read a lot of blogs and I am always looking out for those who have a unique style, who have a great way of putting clothes together, and who wear what they love, not just what everyone else is wearing.

I am very excited about these new changes, and I hope you all will enjoy reading my blog!

1 comment:

  1. your outfit is so pretty!! I will folow you from now on!

